iFuse 3D™

Offers a unique dimension in SI joint fusion

Accelerated Fusion104, Clinically Proven Outcomes

Minimally invasive surgical fusion of the sacroiliac (SI) joint


FuSIon 3D™ porous titanium surface

Self-harvests bone during press-fit implantation and mimics cancellous bone for ongrowth and ingrowth.109

Patented fenestrated design

Provides ample strength to withstand the heavy loads of the SI joint while allowing bone through growth.109

Triangular design has 6X more rotational resistance than screws82

Provides immediate stabilization of the SI joint.

Threaded base

Allows for easy implant adjustments.

  • FuSIon 3D™ porous surface Self-harvests bone during press-fit implantation and mimics cancellous bone for ongrowth and ingrowth.109
  • Patented fenestrated design Provides ample strength to withstand the heavy loads of the SI joint while allowing bone through growth.109
  • Triangular design has 6X more rotational resistance than screws82 Provides immediate stabilization of the SI joint.
  • Threaded base Allows for easy implant adjustments.

Long-term 5-year Results79

  • Minimally Invasive Lateral Transiliac Sacroiliac Joint Fusion
  • Multicenter Prospective Trial
  • 103 Patients/12 Sites

95% Patient Satisfaction
Bridging Bone within the SI Joint
Decrease in Opioid Use
54 Pt
VAS Improvement
26 Pt
ODI Improvement

Healthcare professionals should refer to the Instructions For Use for indications, contraindications, warnings, and precautions at www.si-bone.com/label.

Graph 5 year results 2

iFuse 3D Procedure

SI-BONE's iFuse Implant System was designed for minimally invasive SI joint fusion. Through a small ~3 cm incision, typically 3 triangular titanium implants are inserted in a lateral to medial orientation across three dense cortical bone walls (ilium outer, ilium inner, and sacrum outer).

Ifuse steps 2

iFuse Position

I Fuse3d video poster

Healthcare professionals should refer to the Instructions For Use for indications, contraindications, warnings, and precautions at https://si-bone.com/label.  

There are potential risks associated with iFuse procedures. They may not be appropriate for all patients and all patients may not benefit. For information about the risks, visit https://si-bone.com/risks.

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See Our Warranty


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