Attend our National Patient Webinar on September 26th at 4pm PDT / 7pm EDT!  More Information

What's Your Back Story?

People who have had ongoing low back pain, an SI joint dysfunction diagnosis, and the iFuse procedure share their own personal journeys.

Perspectives of iFuse Patients

These iFuse patients share their stories of how sacroiliac joint pain affected their lives and their experience with the iFuse Implant System. There are potential risks associated with the iFuse Implant System. It may not be appropriate for all patients and not all patients may benefit. See more information about the risks.

Most of these patients experienced sacroiliac joint disruptions and/or degenerative sacroiliitis for years before seeking out or discovering MIS SI joint fusion.

SI Joint Pain Case Studies

Stories based on an aggregate of several true patient stories with similar history and presentation.


Connect with an SI Buddy

If you are a patient recommended for the iFuse Implant procedure by a trained surgeon, the SI Buddy program is designed for you. SI Buddy participants are not medical or clinical professionals, they are patients who underwent the iFuse procedure and volunteer their time to share their iFuse experience with others.

Remember, there are potential risks associated with any surgery, including the iFuse Implant System. It may not be appropriate for all patients and not all patients may benefit.

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