Attend our National Patient Webinar on June 27 at 7:00 pm EDT!  More Information
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National Patient Webinar - Is Your Sacroiliac Joint to Blame for Your Low Back Pain?

HCP - Laratta, Joseph MD

Dr. Joseph Laratta, MD*

Orthopaedic Spine Surgeon

Earl Johnston

Duke - iFuse Patient

SI Buddy

*Paid Consultant for SI-BONE, Inc.


Speakers: Dr. Joseph Laratta, MD* – Orthopaedic Spine Surgeon & Duke, SI Buddy, iFuse Patient

Join us to hear Dr. Laratta present on a commonly under-diagnosed cause of low back pain: the Sacroiliac (SI) Joint. The SI Joint may be a pain generator in 15-30% of patients with chronic lower back pain and even higher (up to 43%) for patients with continued or new-onset low back pain after a previous lumbar fusion.* Dr. Orphanos will review anatomy, causes and symptoms of SI joint dysfunction, diagnosis, and treatment options--both non-surgical and surgical. SI Buddy and iFuse Duke, will join the discussion to recount his experience with SI Joint dysfunction and treatment with the iFuse Implant System.

*Rashbaum – Clin Spine Surg 2016
Important Safety Information:

Location: Virtual Webinar

Time: 7pm ET / 4pm PT


This event is co-sponsored by SI-BONE, Inc.

Important Safety Information:

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