Patient Stories
Ray's Story
I went to my doctor with persistent low back problems several years after undergoing hip replacement surgery. I was spending many hours in physical therapy without experiencing any relief.
- Back Story
- SI Joint Degeneration
"I suffered with back pain for 30 years before I got help."
"I went to my doctor with persistent low back problems several years after undergoing hip replacement surgery. I was spending many hours in physical therapy without experiencing any relief."
"Due to the severity of the symptoms, my physician recommended sacroiliac (SI) joint fusion after he diagnosed it using CT guided injection, which provided temporary relief. Within three months following the surgery, I experienced significant relief and was able to resume my normal daily activities. In the subsequent months, I continued to improve, and at one year, the iFuse has returned me to a normal lifestyle."
The iFuse Implant System is intended for sacroiliac fusion for conditions including sacroiliac joint dysfunction that is a direct result of sacroiliac joint disruption and degenerative sacroiliitis. This includes conditions whose symptoms began during pregnancy or in the peripartum period and have persisted postpartum for more than 6 months. The iFuse Implant System is also intended for sacroiliac fusion to augment stabilization and immobilization of the sacroiliac joint in skeletally mature patients undergoing sacropelvic fixation as part of a lumbar or thoracolumbar fusion. As well, the iFuse Implant system is intended for sacroiliac fusion in acute, non-acute, and non-traumatic fractures involving the sacroiliac joint.
There are potential risks associated with the iFuse Implant System. It may not be appropriate for all patients and all patients may not benefit. For information about the risks, talk to your doctor and visit: www.si-bone.com/risks. Rx Only.