Clinical Data

Lumbar Fusions in Patients Denied SI Joint Fusion (Vanaclocha - Br J Neurosurg 2018)

High Frequency of Lumbar Fusionin Patients Denied Surgical Treatment of the Sacroiliac Joint

Vanaclocha-Vanaclocha V, Herrera JM, Sáiz-Sapena N, Rivera-Paz M, Verdú-López F.
Br J Neurosurg. 2018;33(1):12-16. [Epub 2019 Nov 18].
DOI: 10.1080/02688697.2018.1527012


Purpose: Effective treatment of medical conditions relies on proper diagnosis. Clinical trials show the safety and effectiveness of sacroiliac joint (SIJ) fusion in patients with chronic SI joint dysfunction. To what extent is the condition under recognised?

Objective: To determine whether under recognition of SIJ pain affects healthcare trajectories in Spanish patients with low back pain.

Methods: Retrospective study of characteristics and consequences of 189 patients with persistent SIJ pain seen in an outpatient neurosurgery clinic.

Results: Patients with SIJ pain who were denied surgical treatment had a longer pain duration, higher likelihood of prior lumbar fusion, and a high rate (63%) of lumbar fusion within 2 years prior to SIJ pain diagnosis, which, in most cases, provided little benefit.

Conclusion: Lack of knowledge of the role of the SIJ in chronic low back pain probably results in diagnostic confusion and may lead to misdirected treatment.

KEYWORDS: sacroiliac joint pain, low back pain, misdiagnosis, surgical treatment

Author Information

Vanaclocha-Vanaclocha V, Herrera JM, Rivera-Paz M, Verdú-López F - Department of Neurosurgery, Hospital 9 de Octubre, Valencia, Spain.

Sáiz-Sapena N - Department of Anaesthesiology, Hospital 9 de Octubre, Valencia, Spain.

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